A Bright Clearing I AM.

There are worn-out circular paths around that bush. I can't help it... venturing off has always been my nature.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Shifting Home Of My Childhood.

I remember watching a scene in "Alice in Wonderland" wherein Alice was falling falling falling... there were chairs and other odd furniture and now I finally understand why at that time I did not find such a scene peculiar... because, it resembled our house so much.

Until now, no matter how hard you try to pick things up and put them in their proper places- my mother is too much of a powerful force and too far in her years to change lifetime habits... habits that cannot be faulted, I guess, for she has successfully raised nine children- you never really can take over a castle that solely and rightfully belongs to my mom.

I am glad that I came home.

In this Wonderland of a home.

All a matter of perspective, right?^^

This is the perspective I choose...

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