A Bright Clearing I AM.

There are worn-out circular paths around that bush. I can't help it... venturing off has always been my nature.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Listless And List-less.

I can hum a song while mouthing the words.

I read romance novels when I'm bored.

I am butterfingered.

I am hard to rouse.

I am hard to restrain.

When I am not too conscious about it, I can reach a high E.

I have a ****-face daw when I sing.

I know the reason now why the band was a hit...

I think Elvis Presley is damn sexy.

I feel hot when I sing "She Will Be Loved."

I feel hotter when I hear "Mustang Sally."

I tend to think too much.

And apparently, at this point, I've decided not to overdo it.

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